August 18th, 2014

It's time to introduce our newest member of the MONOLisa family!

My good friend, producer extraordinaire, (who wishes to remain anonymous), will be working at MONOLisa for the foreseeable future and I am thrilled to have him as part of our team. He's a fantastic producer, and more importantly, a fantastic guy!
He specializes in creating tracks in the urban/Latin/EDM genres, and he is a fantastic pianist as well.
So, fellow artists, if you are looking for some new sounds, he's the guy to connect with.

In other news, June started off with a bang, and with 1 score, and 3 mix projects, and 3 OD sessions under our belts, we're super happy with our new home. Of course, no studio is ever finished, and we've been adding gear and adding other treatments as needed, and we are super happy and excited moving forward.

We are planning an open house/opening party in August to show off the new space.
We'll keep you posted!

until then!
stay cool!


Gear Update


We’re In!