The Pro Audio Files

I'm not going to lie, I feel like a rock star this week!
TWO interviews, an awesome day at the AES convention, and a great CMJ outing!

BIIIG thanks to Matt Weiss for an excellent interview for The ProAudioFiles.
I'd also like to thank ProAudioFiles editor, Dan Comerchero
for spreading the word all around the nets!

I know It's going to sound all touchie feelie, but seriously, I am really taken aback by all of the support I've received over the past year since opening MONOLisa. It was especially great to meet up with old friends I've been out of touch with for YEARS and hearing all of their stories this past week.
THIS week I have lunch dates with quite a few of them to catch up and spend some quality time. I'm very much looking forward to that!

CMJ was a fun time, what I was exposed to anyway. Outside of some scheduling drama here and there throughout the day, we had a super great time and all of the bands we heard were fantastic!

Big shout out to TJ Olsen of TJOPResents for putting together a 3 room, all day event at The Paper Box!
It was quite a feat!

Big shout out to my right hand men, My Morning Papers, Rich Kulsar, Kelsey Warren and Jason Wallenstein! As always you rocked hard, and we left them wanting more! (LOL)
(-they'll get that)
Big shout out to my friends, Bree & The Whatevers, Brooke Pridemore, Auto Defiance, Bury Me a Lion,
The Shivering Brigade and all of the bands, too numerous to name, that I went home wanting to hear more about!

I'll add an adendum with some favorites!
Until then, it's back to work for me!

talk soon!




NYFA-The Legion of Graduates